Our Data in Action: Finance and Climate Change

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Our Data in Action: Finance and Climate Change

Asset Impact’s mission is to drive decisive climate action by increasing transparency on the assets and companies in financial institutions’ portfolios.

We are ecstatic to see our data is being used in InfluenceMap / Finance Map's latest report, “Finance and Climate Change: A Comprehensive Climate Assessment of the World’s Largest Financial Institutions.”

The report sheds light on the major disconnects between the short-term climate risk mitigation efforts and the long-term targets set by the world’s 30 largest listed financial institutions. Asset Impact's asset-based data and white-box methodologies provide insights on how investments are being translated to emissions, climate standards, and climate commitments.

Learn more:

• Contact us at https://asset-impact.gresb.com/#contact

• Access the full report: Finance and Climate Change: A Comprehensive Climate Assessment of the World's Largest Financial Institutions.

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