Geospatial ESG for Environmental Insight

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Geospatial ESG for Environmental Insight

Asset Impact acknowledged in report by WWF, World Bank Group and Global Canopy.

In the latest Geospatial ESG report from the WWF, World Bank Group and Global Canopy, Asset Impact is cited as one of the leading providers for geospatial ESG-derived data products.

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The report explores "the emerging application of geospatial data for gaining environment insights on the asset, corporate and sovereign level". It investigates and tests with real-world examples the potential of geospatial data approaches as means to provide additional insights into the environmental impacts of specific assets, companies, states or nations for sovereign debt investment.

The 2022 edition follows a landmark 2020 report on Spatial Finance by the WWF and the World Bank Group with contributions from Asset Impact. Read the 2020 report here:

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