Our data in action: Asset-based insights accelerate Morgan Stanley’s automotive emissions targets

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We’re excited to share Morgan Stanley’s 2030 Interim Financed Emissions Targets, which showcases how they leverage Asset Impact's asset-based data for their Auto Manufacturing sector strategy. This underscores the value of our approach in tracking emissions and setting robust decarbonization targets.

Three reasons why Morgan Stanley chose Asset Impact's automotive data:

1. A comparable and standardized way to track and assess scope 3 TTW emissions across all automotive companies.

2. Frequent updates to ensure timely insights with minimal lag.

3. Accurate and granular insights by linking emissions to physical assets and their respective owners.

As Morgan Stanley and other leaders strive for ambitious climate goals, the need for up-to-date, detailed data is more critical than ever. Our asset-based approach empowers investors to craft informed investment strategies, delivering real-world outcomes and alignment to net-zero pathways.

Read the report to learn more about Morgan Stanley's approach.

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