Try Asset Impact's Transition Analytics

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A robust investment strategy starts with reliable data. Adding our high-quality asset-based climate and production analytics to your data toolbox provides strategic company- and sector-level insights that help better manage transition risk and seize opportunities.  

Using a unique bottom-up approach, our ready-to-use and forward-looking analytics provide climate and activity data from over 3,000 listed companies and their 32,000 listed and private subsidiaries within 11 climate-critical sectors.

How Asset Impact's Climate Transition Analytics support you.
  1. Strategically allocate capital: Manage risks and optimize asset allocation with reliable and consistent data that both matches sustainability with financial performance and allows for easy comparison between companies.
  2. Engage portfolio companies: Support portfolio companies to improve climate performance through meaningful asset- and sector-specific insights.
  3. Set climate targets: Our data spans various scopes and aggregations, from the sector level to the company and activity level; and it includes absolute emissions, emission intensity and production values.
  4. Align with requirements and commitments: Meet the Net Zero Asset Owners Alliance or the Net Zero Asset Managers initiative or TCFD guidelines through disaggregated and aggregated emissions scopes.

Why choose Asset Impact's Transition Analytics?

Leading banks, regulators, and asset owners and asset managers – including Barclays, BBVA, BNP Paribas, and KLP – trust Asset Impact’s asset-based data solutions.

  • Comprehensive global coverage: Linked assets within 11 climate-critical sectors to 3,000 listed companies and their 32,000 subsidiaries worldwide.
  • Consistent and detailed insights: Consistent methodologies applied across assets, companies, sectors, and countries to accurately compare your investments.
  • Reliable and transparent: Documented methodologies; no black box ratings and scores; and no reliance on high-level unsubstantiated corporate disclosures.
  • Forward-looking indicators: Absolute emissions, emission intensities, and production data forecasted up to 2029.
  • Seamless compatibility: Easily integrate our data into existing systems with industry-specific classifications and identifiers such as LEI, NACE, and ISIN.

Interested? Request a two month free trial of the full product.

See for yourself how our analytics can help transform your investment strategy – no strings attached. Fill in this form and we will be in touch with the next steps if you meet the eligibility requirements.

Let's talk

Looking for more details on using our forward-looking asset-based data? Our team is here to support you.

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